Sweet potato, apple and broccoli baby puree perfect as stage 2 baby food recipe. This healthy homemade stage two baby food puree comes together in just minutes, is packed with vitamins, and masks perfectly the bitter taste of broccoli due to sweetness of apple and sweet potato. Serve it to babies 6 months an up or toddlers.
Cut ingredients into smaller pieces (cubes) to cook faster. If steaming, place sweet potatoes and apples first and steam for 15 minutes. Then add the broccoli florets and steam for another 5-6 minutes. This short amount of time should still keep the broccoli’s vibrant green color intact.
Check the vegetables with a fork. If tender enough, transfer them into a food processor or baby blender and puree to desired consistency.
For a smoother puree (babies from 6 months+)
Add some steaming water (some vitamins leached into the water) little by little if you need a smooth, soup like consistency (best for younger babies 6 months and up). Usually the ratio is 50% veggies and 50% water.
Tips For Preserving More Nutrients
Keep the peel on apples and pears. Fibre and many key nutrients are found in or just under the peel, so leave the peel on whenever possible. Sweet potatoes on the other hand should be peeled as the fiber might be too harsh for babies.
Broccoli needs to keep it’s green vibrant color, you don’t want to overcook it. Once it turns bland and less green that’s a sign that vitamins like C and B have leached into the water and the broccoli lost most if it’s nutrition.
How To Store
Store leftovers for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.
Freeze up to 3 months in an airtight container (use a silicone ice tray with a lid, to keep divided portions).
Thaw / reheat – just pop the divided portion of the freezer and place in the fridge overnight to thaw. To reheat to a warmer temperature use the stove (low heat for 10-15 minutes).