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Avocado Baby Food Ideas + Combinations

Avocados are perfect as first baby food for babies 6 months and up. Here you’ll find how to prepare avocado baby food recipes for stage 1, stage 2 and 3 as well as best avocado baby food combinations: purees and toddler friendly finger foods. For future reference you can also use the printable list below.

Avocado baby food combinations and finger foods for babies 6 month and up. Learn how to prepare avocado baby food recipes for stage 1, stage 2 and 3 as well as best avocado baby food combinations: purees and toddler friendly finger foods. Also how to store and freeze avocado as baby food. #avocadorecipes #avocadobabyfood #stage1babyfood #avocadobabyrecipes #avocadopuree
Avocado baby food ideas

Whether you serve avocado as baby led weaning, pureed by itself or mixed with other foods, adding avocado to many stage 2 or stage 3 baby food recipes, gives them a tremendous nutritional boost.

Benefits of Including Avocado In Baby Food

  • Avocados are a source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, magnesium, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Avocado pairs well with multiple foods and being chock-full of healthy fats (fatty acids), actually help the fat soluble nutrients present in fruit and vegetables eaten with avocado, to be more easily absorbed by the body.
  • Avocado are a good source of both fat and energy. In infancy, fat should comprise about 50% of energy intake in order to provide adequate energy for rapid growth and the essential fatty acids for brain development;
  • A standard serving of avocados is also less than one fourth the weight of any of the other fruits, making them a very efficient food for delivering essential nutrition in a portion size that a baby or toddler would more likely be able to consume in one sitting. This way helping the baby feel fuller between meals.
Avocado puree for baby.
Avocado puree.

Avocado Baby Puree (Stage 1)

The simplest way babies can enjoy avocados is by mashing it with a fork and serving with a touch of lemon juice.

For stage 1 avocado baby food, you need to add some liquid (water, breastmilk or formula) and make it very smooth with a soupy consistency – suitable for 6-7 month old babies.

mashed avocado for baby
Mashing avocado for baby.

When making stage 2 avocado baby food, you aim for a thicker texture (mashed) – great for 6.5 to 9 months old babies.

Here are some of the best avocado puree combinations:

Avocado Baby Food With Fruit (Stage 2)

  • Avocado + banana puree
  • Avocado + pineapple
  • Avocado + mango
  • Avocado + apple (raw puree or apple sauce)
  • Avocado + plums / prunes puree
  • Avocado + berries (strawberry, blackberry, raspberry blueberry)
Blending avocado and fruits to make baby food puree.
Blending avocado and fruits to make puree.
  • Avocado + kiwi
  • Avocado + cherries
  • Avocado + peaches / nectarines
  • Avocado + papaya

Avocado Baby Food With Vegetables (Stage 2)

  • Avocado + carrot puree (cooked);
  • Avocado + squashes (butternut, zucchini, acorn, spaghetti squash etc.) cooked;
  • Avocado + cauliflower or broccoli puree (cooked);
  • Avocado + beetroot puree (cooked);
  • Avocado + sweet potato puree or white potato (cooked);
  • Avocado + leafy greens puree (kale, spinach, arugula, collard greens, parsley, etc.);
Vegetables you can combine avocado with for making baby food.
Vegetables you can combine avocado with.
Prune avocado cauliflower puree.

Avocado Baby Food Ideas (Stage 3)

A combination of fatty avocado, a sweet element and a sour element usually makes a tastier baby food.

Here you have the option of making a puree using a blender, mash with a fork for a thicker texture or dice into small cubes (like a salad) to be served as finger food.

These are most popular avocado baby food combinations suitable for 9-10 month old babies and up:

  • Avocado + pineapple + leafy greens;
  • Avocado + banana + blueberries + ground seeds (hemp, flax or chia seeds);
  • Avocado + cereal/grains (wheat, oatmeal, pasta, rice, buckwheat, sorghum, polenta, quinoa, amaranth etc.)
  • Avocado + beetroot + blueberries;
  • Avocado + zucchini + raspberries;
  • Avocado + carrots + plums;
  • Avocado + sweet potato + orange;
  • Avocado + pumpkin + cherries;
  • Avocado + potato + fiddleheads (or broccoli);
  • Avocado + peas + potato;
Avocado potato and pea puree.
Avocado potato and pea puree.
  • Avocado + bell pepper + beans (chickpeas, pinto, black, navy etc.) similar to hummus.
Avocado + chickpea + lemon juice hummus.
  • Avocado + lentils (puree) + lemon juice.
  • Avocado + celery + pineapple;
  • Apple + avocado + broccoli (or cauliflower);
Avocado apple and broccoli puree (stage 2)
Avocado apple and broccoli puree (stage 2)
  • Avocado + mango + leafy greens;
  • Avocado + tomato + red onion + pumpkin seeds;
  • Avocado + papaya + blackberry;
  • Avocado + kiwi + pear (or apple);
Avocado kiwi and pear puree (stage 2)
Avocado kiwi and pear puree (stage 2)
1) Diced avocado and chicken meat (salad as finger food) 2) chicken meatballs with avocado 3) chicken soup with avocado 4) creamy chicken soup and avocado pureed in a blender;
Turkey avocado patties for babies / toddlers.
  • Avocado + beef (puree, ground or beef meatballs – great for baby led weaning);
  • Avocado + pork (puree, ground or meatballs – BLW).
  • Avocado + cucumber + mango (puree or cubed as salad for BLW);
Cubed avocado, mango and cucumber drizzled with lemon juice – great for baby led weaning.
  • Avocado + egg (boiled) + herbs, finished with shredded cheese (optional);
  • Avocado smoothie (avocado + banana + berries + yogurt + water);
  • Avocado popsicles for teething babies (avocado, lime juice, milk, cream);
Avocado ice pops / popsicles for toddlers.
Avocado ice pops / popsicles.
  • Avocado pasta sauce (avocado, basil, lemon juice, cheese);
  • Avocado added into baked goods (muffins, pancakes, waffles, bread;)

Tips For Perfect Avocado Baby Food

  1. To extend the freshness and preserve the avocado color – mix a little fresh lime or lemon juice into the puree. To prevent oxidation, keeping the puree without air exposure (no air pockets) is essential.
  2. The avocado baby food will usually change color in the fridge (due to browning of avocado), so it’s best to consume the same day or freeze. To thaw the frozen puree, place it in the fridge the night before you want to use it.
  3. Choose a ripe avocado for a smooth puree. Underripe avocado will become grainy when pureed.

Avocado Baby Food FAQs

How do I prepare avocado for my baby?

Wash and serve it raw. Here you have 2 options: cut into strips/cubes for baby led weaning according to age or make an avocado puree. Make it smooth when starting solids and then progress to mashed avocado.

How To Store Avocado Puree For Baby?

Wrap the leftovers and place in the refrigerator for up to 8 hours. Freeze for longer storage in a portioned freezer tray for up to 3 months.

How To Freeze Avocado Baby Food?

Freeze up to 3 months in an airtight container (use a silicone ice tray with a lid, to keep divided portions).

Do I need to cook avocado for baby?

Avocado is best eaten raw just like any other fruit. Once heated avocado actually loses most of its nutrients and becomes a little bitter.

Do avocados constipate babies?

Avocado is a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fiber can actually help relieve constipation. Avocados normally do not make babies constipated, but if you child has a hard time digesting food in general or has an intolerance/allergy it might cause or worsen constipation.

Do I need to steam avocado for baby?

There’s no need to steam the avocado when serving to your baby. A ripe raw avocado is soft enough to be transformed into a puree. Heating the avocado leads to nutrient loss.

Need more puree recipes? Check out the puree category for more ideas!
avocado baby food ideas combinations featured

Avocado Baby Food Ideas + Combinations

Avocados are perfect as first baby food for babies 6 months and up. Learn how to serve avocado as baby food, how to prepare avocado baby food recipes for stage 1stage 2 and 3 as well as best avocado baby food combinations – purees and toddler friendly finger foods.
Prep Time : 5 minutes
Total Time : 5 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Baby Food
Servings : 4 servings
Calories : 40.2 kcal


Avocado Baby Food Stage 1 (smooth soupy consistency)

  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/3 cup liquid (breastmilk or water)

Mashed Avocado For Baby

  • 1/2 avocado (mashed with a fork)
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice (optional)

Avocado Baby Food Stage 2 (thicker purees / mashed) 1:1

  • 1/2 avocado + banana (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 avocado + pineapple (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 avocado + mango (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 avocado + apple ((or apple sauce))
  • 1/2 avocado + plums (or prunes)
  • 1/2 avocado + berries (strawberry, blackberry, raspberry blueberry)
  • 1/2 avocado + kiwi
  • 1/2 avocado + cherries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 avocado + peach (or nectarine)
  • 1/2 avocado + papaya (fresh or frozen)
  • avocado + cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy)
  • avocado + carrot
  • avocado + squashes (butternut, zucchini, acorn, spaghetti squash)
  • avocado + beetroot
  • avocado + sweet potato
  • avocado + leafy greens  (kale, spinach, arugula, collard greens, parsley)
  • avocado + asparagus
  • avocado + cucumber 
  • avocado + yogurt

Avocado Baby Food Stage 3 and 4 (chunkier puree 1:1:1)

  • avocado + cereal/grains (wheat, oatmeal, pasta, rice, buckwheat, sorghum, polenta, quinoa, amaranth)
  • avocado + banana + blueberries + ground seeds (hemp, flax or chia)
  • avocado + bell pepper + beans (chickpeas, pinto, black, navy beans)
  • avocado + pineapple + leafy greens
  • Avocado + beetroot + blueberries;
  • Avocado + zucchini + raspberries
  • Avocado + carrots + plums
  • Avocado + sweet potato + orange
  • Avocado + pumpkin + cherries
  • Avocado + potato + fiddleheads
  • avocado + peas + potato
  • avocado + lentils (puree) + lemon juice
  • avocado + celery + pineapple
  • apple + avocado + broccoli 
  • avocado + tomato + red onion + pumpkin seeds
  • avocado + papaya + blackberry
  • avocado + kiwi + pear
  • avocado + mango + leafy greens
  • pureed chicken soup with avocado

Avocado Baby Finger Food

  • avocado + chicken meat  (puree, chopped salad or chicken meatballs with avocado)
  • avocado + turkey meat (puree, ground meat or turkey patties with avocado)
  • avocado + beef meat (puree, ground or beef meatballs)
  • avocado + cucumber + mango  (cubed salad)
  • avocado + egg (boiled) + herbs, finished with shredded cheese  (chopped and cubed – salad)
  • avocado popsicles (avocado, lime juice, milk, cream)
  • pasta with avocado sauce (avocado, basil, lemon juice, cheese)
  • Incorporate avocado in smoothies and baked goods


Avocado Baby Food Stage 1

  • Blend avocado in a food processor with the liquid of choice (breastmilk, formula, or water ) until smooth and soupy.

Avocado Baby Food Stage 2 (thicker purees or mashed)

  • Here you can mash the avocado with a fork, place as much avocado onto a plate and mash until you reach the desired consistency.
  • When adding the other ingredient (fruit or vegetable) make sure to cook the vegetable for an easier blending. Some fruits like berries, banana pineapple, kiwi or mango don't require cooking. Mix with avocado puree once ready.

Avocado Baby Food Stage 3 and 4 (chunkier puree)

  • Cook the cereal, vegetable or the meat first, then add the avocado puree at the end.


  1. To extend the freshness and preserve the avocado color – mix a little fresh lime or lemon juice into the puree. To prevent oxidation, keeping the puree without air exposure (no air pockets) is essential.
  2. Avocado baby food can either be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months – use a silicone ice tray with a lid, to keep divided portions).
  3. The avocado baby food will usually change color in the fridge (due to browning of avocado), so it’s best to consume the same day or freeze.
  4. To thaw the frozen puree, place it in the fridge the night before you want to use it.
  5. Underripe avocado and will become grainy when pureed, so make sure to choose a ripe one.
  6. 1/2 avocado mixed with liquid, yields about 3-4 ounces of puree.


Serving: 1ozCalories: 40.2kcal
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